
文档图示 模板文档

本模板應當使用於以維基百科為討論主題的媒體來源,並在該條目的討論頁面中建立連結至Baike: 維基百科與媒體




{{Press | subject     = 頁面類型(如「條目」) | author      = 作者 | title       = 媒體文章標題 | org         = 媒體或組織 | url         = 媒體文章連結 | date        = 日期 | quote       = 引述語句 | archiveurl  = 如果此來源連結失效時的存檔連結。通常會使用如[[WebCite]]或[[Archive.org]]等服務。 | archivedate = 媒體文章的存檔日期,不使用維基內鏈。 | accessdate  = 訪問此媒體文章的日期,不使用維基內鏈。}}

An optional unnamed parameter allows you to customize the name of the link to Wikipedia:Press coverage. For example, it may be more accurate to read "mentioned unfavorably", in case the original article becomes unavailable.


Use |collapsed=yes for a collapsed default display. To include additional sources, affix a number greater than 1 (2, 3, etc.) to additional parameters. Up to 30 sources can be added to the template.

{{Press | author      = Author | title       = Title of press article | org         = Media outlet/organization | url         = URL to press article | date        = Date | quote       = Quote | archiveurl  = The URL of an archived copy of the page, if (or in case) the url becomes unavailable.                 Typically used to refer to services like [[WebCite]] and [[Archive.org]]. | archivedate = Date when the item was archived. Should not be wikilinked. | accessdate  = Full date when item was accessed. Should not be wikilinked.  | author2      = Author | title2       = Title of press article | org2         = Media outlet/organization | url2         = URL to press article | date2        = Date | quote2       = Quote | archiveurl2  = The URL of an archived copy of the page, if (or in case) the url becomes unavailable.                  Typically used to refer to services like [[WebCite]] and [[Archive.org]]. | archivedate2 = Date when the item was archived. Should not be wikilinked. | accessdate2  = Full date when item was accessed. Should not be wikilinked. … | author30      = Author | title30       = Title of press article | org30         = Media outlet/organization | url30         = URL to press article | date30        = Date | quote30       = Quote | archiveurl30  = The URL of an archived copy of the page, if (or in case) the url becomes unavailable.                   Typically used to refer to services like [[WebCite]] and [[Archive.org]]. | archivedate30 = Date when the item was archived. Should not be wikilinked. | accessdate30  = Full date when item was accessed. Should not be wikilinked. }}


{{Press | author      = Joe Blow | date        = 2006-11-16 | url         = http://google.com | title       = Something Nifty This Way Comes | org         = [[Slashdot]] | archiveurl  = http://www.webcitation.org/5t9vW3WUM | archivedate = 2010-10-01 | accessdate  = 2010-10-01}}
{{Press | author=Joe Blow | date=2006-11-16 | url=http://google.com | title=Something Nifty This Way Comes |org=[[Slashdot]] | archiveurl=http://www.webcitation.org/5t9vW3WUM | archivedate=2010-10-01 | accessdate=2010-10-01 | author2=        | date2=2007-12-17 | url2=http://bing.com | title2=5 Things You Should Do Now  | org2=[[Ars Technica]] | archiveurl2=http://www.webcitation.org/5t9vW3WUN | archivedate2=2011-11-11 | accessdate2=2012-12-12}}
