

爱德华·德·维尔弗兰西斯·培根威廉·斯坦利英语William Stanley, 6th Earl of Derby克里斯托弗·马洛(从左上角顺时针数起,莎士比亚居中)都被认为是莎士比亚作品的真正作者。



  1. ^ Prescott 2010,第273頁: 'Anti-Stratfordian' is the collective name for the belief that someone other than the man from Stratford wrote the plays commonly attributed to him."; McMichael & Glenn 1962,第56頁.
  2. ^ Shapiro 2010,第2–3 (3–4)頁.
  3. ^ Kathman 2003,第621頁: "...antiStratfordism has remained a fringe belief system"; Schoenbaum 1991,第450頁; Paster 1999,第38頁: "To ask me about the authorship question ... is like asking a palaeontologist to debate a creationist's account of the fossil record."; Nelson 2004,第149–51頁: "I do not know of a single professor of the 1,300-member Shakespeare Association of America who questions the identity of Shakespeare ... antagonism to the authorship debate from within the profession is so great that it would be as difficult for a professed Oxfordian to be hired in the first place, much less gain tenure..."; Carroll 2004,第278–9頁: "I have never met anyone in an academic position like mine, in the Establishment, who entertained the slightest doubt as to Shakespeare's authorship of the general body of plays attributed to him."; Pendleton 1994,第21頁: "Shakespeareans sometimes take the position that to even engage the Oxfordian hypothesis is to give it a countenance it does not warrant."; Sutherland & Watts 2000,第7頁: "There is, it should be noted, no academic Shakespearian of any standing who goes along with the Oxfordian theory."; Gibson 2005,第30頁: "...most of the great Shakespearean scholars are to be found in the Stratfordian camp..."
  4. ^ Bate 1998,第73頁; Hastings 1959,第486頁; Wadsworth 1958,第8–16頁; McCrea 2005,第13頁; Kathman 2003,第622頁.
  5. ^ 张中江. 莎士比亚戏剧非本人所作? 法官称作者另有其人. 中国新闻网. 2009-04-21 [2021-04-18]. (原始内容存档于2021-04-18). 
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