
碧雅翠絲(崔西)·舒巴(Beatrix "Trixi" Schuba,1951年4月15日),奧地利花式滑冰女子單人滑運動員,曾獲1972年冬季奧運會英语Figure skating at the 1972 Winter Olympics冠軍,兩屆世界錦標賽冠軍(1971-1972年)、兩屆歐州錦標賽冠軍(1971-1972年),以及六屆奧地利錦標賽英语Austrian Figure Skating Championships冠軍(1967–1972年)[1]

Beatrix Schuba
Trixi Schuba
代表国家 奥地利
出生 (1951-04-15) 1951年4月15日73歲)
前任教练赫爾穆特·賽伯特英语Helmut Seibt

她被認為是最擅長規定圖形英语compulsory figures項目的運動員之一[2][3][4]




舒巴對滑冰感興趣要從1955年說起,當時她父母買電視來收看維也納國家歌劇院城堡劇院的表演,而她在電視上看到一場美國滑冰比賽轉播[6]。1955到1962年間,赫尔穆特·赛布特擔任她的教練[7],後來則改由利奧波德·林哈特執教(Leopold Linhart)[1]

1967年,十六歲的她奪得第一個重要頭銜——奧地利錦標賽英语Austrian Figure Skating Championships女子單人滑冠軍;之後她連續衛冕六次。1960年代末70年代初,舒巴一直穩定提高國際大賽成績:她先是進入歐洲錦標賽與世界錦標賽前五名,然後在1971與1972年連續贏得這兩項大賽的金牌[1]

舒巴選手生涯最重要的成就便是1972年於札幌登上奧運會冠軍寶座[8],她是1924年赫瑪·薩博奪冠以後第二位成為女單奧運冠軍的奧地利選手,而截至目前還未有第三位奧地利選手承繼這份榮譽[6]。舒巴在規定圖形項目名列第一,而美國選手珍奈特·林恩英语Janet Lynn自由滑項目的第一名。由於當時的評分系統中規定圖形分數比重較重,最後舒巴奪金,而林恩的總成績不僅落後於舒巴,還排在加拿大選手卡伦·马格努森之後,僅得到銅牌[9]

贏得奧運金牌後的下一個月,舒巴衛冕世界盃冠軍,當屆世界盃的銀牌是瑪格紐森,林恩也依然是銅牌[10]。這一年的尾聲,舒巴被奧地利體育記者冠上1972年年度運動員英语Austrian Sportspersonality of the year的榮譽[11]



退役後,舒巴在滑冰秀冰之歌舞團英语Ice Follies冰上節日英语Holiday on Ice表演超過六年,職業表演生涯頗為成功。後來她進入保險業,並從事該行業至今[13][6]

除了保險事業,舒巴亦曾在許多奧地利運動組織擔任要職。她曾是奧地利滑冰協會(Austrian Ice Skating Association)第一位女性會長,並在2004年到2009年間擔任奧地利奧林匹克委員會董事[14]。2007年起,她擔任國際五項維也納俱樂部的會長。2009年起,她任職奧地利帕奧委員會英语Austrian Paralympic Committee的董事。2010年起,她成為格拉茨滑冰協會副會長[14]


奧錦賽英语Austrian Figure Skating Championships1st1st1st1st1st1st


  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 1.2 Trixi Schuba Biography and Olympic Results. Sports Reference. Sports Reference. [1 February 2011]. [永久失效連結]
  2. ^ Hamill, Dorothy; Clairmont, Elva. Dorothy Hamill On and Off the Ice. A.A. Knopf. 1983: 114. ISBN 978-0-394-85610-0. Still, it was exciting to see all the famous foreign skaters, Karen Magnussen from Canada (the local girl); Beatrix Schuba, the girl from Austria who was said to have the best figures in the history of skating; little Christine Errath from East Germany and her teammate Sonja Morgenstern. 
  3. ^ Künzle-Watson, Karin; DeArmond, Stephen J. Ice Skating: Steps to Success. Steps to Success 1. Human Kinetics. 1996: 113. ISBN 978-0-87322-669-1. To this day, there are two individuals considered the best at this art: Gillis Grafström of Sweden, who was the men's Olympic champion in 1920, 1923, and 1928, and Beatrix "Trixi" Schuba of Austria, who was the women's Olympic champion in 1972. 
  4. ^ Sivorinovsky, Alina. Inside Figure Skating. MetroBooks. 2000: 17. ISBN 978-1-58663-005-8. Her closest competitor, 1972 Olympic champion Beatrix "Trixie" Schuba of Austria, was a lethargic freestyler but arguably the greatest figure skater the world had ever seen. 
  5. ^ Trixi Schuba - Sportpersönlichkeit aus Wien [Trixi Schuba - Sports Personality of Vienna]. Wien.gv.at. Vienna: Vienna Sports Department, City of Vienna. [8 February 2011]. (原始内容存档于2011年7月6日) (德语). 
  6. ^ 6.0 6.1 6.2 Biographie. Trixi Schuba. Zenker und Co. [1 February 2011]. (原始内容存档于2011年3月15日). 
  7. ^ Hellmut Seibt - A Life For Figure Skating. Vienna: Eissport Klub Englemann. [2014-04-16]. (原始内容存档于2014-03-02). 
  8. ^ U.S. men win on ice, but not like Dutchman.. The Miami News (Miami, FL). Associated Press. 7 February 1972 [22 January 2010]. And, just as she said she would, Miss Schuba used that lead to breeze to victory and a gold medal while Miss Holmes faded to fourth, giving Miss Magnussen, the North American champion, the silver and Miss Lynn, the four-time U.S. titlist, the bronze, America's second in the games. [失效連結]
  9. ^ Figure Skating at the 1972 Sapporo Winter Games: Women's Singles. Sports Reference. Sports Reference. [1 February 2011]. (原始内容存档于2010-05-08). 
  10. ^ Trixi wins title and then retires. The Montreal Gazette (Montreal). Canadian Press. 13 March 1972: 23 [9 February 2011]. (原始内容存档于2017-03-06). Trixi Schuba, a sad Austrian girl who laughingly apologized for winning, has capped her international skating career by retaining her world figure-skating crown. 
  11. ^ Schuba Edges Proell As Athlete of Year. Lawrence Daily Journal-World (Lawrence, KS). Associated Press. 22 December 1972: 15 [24 August 2011]. (原始内容存档于2017-03-06). Austria's Beatrix Schuba, the world and Olympic figure skating champion, beat double World Cup ski winner and current leader in the Cup standings, Annemarie Proell, in a sports writers' poll of Best Athlete of the Year. 
  12. ^ No More Figures In Figure Skating. The New York Times. Associated Press. 9 June 1988 [4 February 2011]. (原始内容存档于2021-04-18). Under the rule change, the figures' share of the total score, which was 60 percent 20 years ago, will go down immediately from 30 to 20 percent. A revamped short program's value will be increased to 30 percent from 20. 
  13. ^ Neumann, Fritz. Trixi Schuba: "Mehr als zwei Schnitzel kann ich auch nicht essen am Tag" [Trixi Schuba: "I can't eat more than two schnitzels a day"]. Der Standard. 2 February 2006. (原始内容存档于2014年2月26日) (德语). 
  14. ^ 14.0 14.1 Erfolge. Trixi Schuba. Zenker und Co. [1 February 2011]. (原始内容存档于2011年3月16日). 


