
威廉·鲍威尔(英語:William Powell,1892年7月29日—1984年3月5日)是一名美国演员。

出生William Horatio Powell
配偶Eileen Wilson


黛安娜·劉易斯英语Diana Lewis1940年结婚)
儿女威廉·大衛·鮑威爾英语William David Powell
1934年 《瘦子
1936年 《我的高德弗里》
1947年 《與父親生活》
1947年 《與父親生活》;《The Senator Was Indiscreet》


威廉·鲍威尔出生于1892年7月29日,生于宾夕法尼亚的匹兹堡市,是家中的独生子。鲍威尔一直到十岁以前都和家人居住在匹兹堡,后来由于父亲工作的原因全家搬到了堪萨斯市。他的父母都没有舞台演出方面的经验,爱尔兰籍的母亲是个音乐家,做会计师的父亲希望他能找一个法律方面的工作。然而,鲍威尔在高中时代表现出了对戏剧事业的兴趣和天赋,他参加各种演出俱乐部以及举行演讲。[1]等他毕业以后,在他姨妈的支持下他前往纽约加入了美国戏剧艺术学院英语American Academy of Dramatic Arts。好几年的时间里,他都在舞台上表演喜剧或是参与巡演公司的演出。后来他曾经参加无声电影夏洛克·福尔摩斯的演出,后来他在有声电影领域大获成功,拍摄过歌舞大王齐格飞等奥斯卡获奖电影。当他成为好莱坞明星之后,他在自己位于好莱坞的住所附近买下一栋房子送给父母,让他们帮自己打理生意。[1]

鲍威尔同玛娜·洛伊进行了很多合作,他们一起拍摄过《瘦子》系列电影。这个系列一共有5部影片,第一部瘦子电影曾帮他赢得了奥斯卡奖提名。在一段长达14年的时期里,鲍威尔同洛伊两人组成的搭档一共拍摄了14部影片。他的第一任妻子Eileen Wilson是一名舞台剧演员,而第二任妻子为嘉露·林拔。在两人离婚后他又打算迎娶珍·哈露,不过由于女方突然去世而没能如愿,哈露死的时候只有26岁。虽然没有丈夫的名分,他还是为女方支付了葬礼的账单。而且在埋藏哈露的教堂的地下室内,还为鲍威尔留下了一间空的墓室,只不过那个墓室始终没有投入使用。最后,他遇到了来自米高梅的新人黛安娜·劉易斯英语Diana Lewis,双方一起渡过了一段长达44年的时间,一直到男方去世为止。[2]


1922-Sherlock Holmes英语Sherlock Holmes (1922 film)Foreman Wells(首次電影演出)
1922-When Knighthood Was in Flower英语When Knighthood Was in Flower (1922 film)Francis I
1922-Outcast英语Outcast (1922 film)DeValle
1923-The Bright Shawl英语The Bright ShawlGaspar De Vaca
1923-Under the Red Robe英语Under the Red Robe (1923 film)Duke of Orleans
1924-Dangerous Money英语Dangerous Money (1924 film)Prince Arnoldo da Pescia
1924-Romola英语Romola (film)Tito Melema
1925-Too Many Kisses英语Too Many KissesJulio
1925-My Lady's Lips英语My Lady's LipsScott Seldon
1925-The Beautiful City英语The Beautiful City (1925 film)Nick Di Silva
1925-Faint Perfume英语Faint PerfumeBarnaby Powers
1926-White Mice英语White Mice (film)Roddy Forrester
1926-Sea Horses英语Sea HorsesLorenzo Salvia
1926-Desert Gold英语Desert Gold (1926 film)Snake Landree
1926-The Runaway英语The Runaway (1926 film)Jack Harrison
1926-Aloma of the South Seas英语Aloma of the South Seas (1926 film)Van Templeton
1926-Beau Geste英语Beau Geste (1926 film)Boldini
1926大亨小傳The Great GatsbyGeorge Wilson
1926-Tin Gods英语Tin GodsTony Santelli
1927-New York英语New York (1927 film)Trent Regan
1927-Love's Greatest Mistake英语Love's Greatest MistakeDon Kendall
1927-Special Delivery英语Special Delivery (1927 film)Harold Jones
1927-Time to Love英语Time to Love (1927 film)Prince Alado
1927-Senorita英语Senorita (film)Manuel Oliveros
1927-Paid to Love英语Paid to LovePrince Eric
1927-Nevada英语Nevada (1927 film)Clan Dillon
1927-She's a Sheik英语She's a SheikKada
1928-Beau Sabreur英语Beau SabreurBecque
1928最後命令The Last CommandLev Andreyev
1928-Feel My Pulse英语Feel My PulseHer Nemesis
1928-Partners in Crime英语Partners in Crime (1928 film)Smith
1928-The Drag Net英语The Drag NetDapper Frank Trent
1928-The Vanishing Pioneer英语The Vanishing PioneerJohn Murdock
1928-Forgotten Faces英语Forgotten Faces (1928 film)Froggy
1928-Interference英语Interference (film)Philip Voaze
1929-The Canary Murder Case英语The Canary Murder Case (film)Philo Vance英语Philo Vance
1929-The Four Feathers英语The Four Feathers (1929 film)Capt. William Trench
1929-The Greene Murder Case英语The Greene Murder Case (film)Philo Vance
1929-Charming Sinners英语Charming SinnersKarl Kraley
1929-Pointed Heels英语Pointed HeelsRobert Courtland
1930-Behind the Make-Up英语Behind the Make-UpGardoni
1930-Street of Chance英语Street of Chance (1930 film)John D. Marsden / 'Natural' Davis
1930-The Benson Murder Case英语The Benson Murder Case (film)Philo Vance
1930-Paramount on Parade英语Paramount on ParadePhilo Vance
1930-Shadow of the Law英语Shadow of the LawJohn Nelson
1930-For the Defense英语For the Defense (1930 film)William Foster
1931-Man of the World英语Man of the World (film)Michael Trevor
1931-Ladies' Man英语Ladies' Man (1931 film)Jamie Darricott
1931-The Road to Singapore英语The Road to SingaporeHugh Dawltry
1932-High Pressure英语High Pressure (film)Gar Evans
1932-Jewel Robbery英语Jewel Robbery搶劫犯
1932-One Way Passage英语One Way PassageDan
1932-Lawyer Man英语Lawyer ManAnton Adam
1933-Private Detective 62英语Private Detective 62Free
1933-Double Harness英语Double HarnessJohn Fletcher
1933-The Kennel Murder Case英语The Kennel Murder Case (film)Philo Vance
1934-Fashions of 1934英语Fashions of 1934Sherwood Nash
1934俠友Manhattan MelodramaJim Wade
1934-The Thin Man英语The Thin Man (film)Nick Charles英语Nick and Nora Charles
1934-The Key英语The Key (1934 film)Capt. Bill Tennant
1934-Evelyn Prentice英语Evelyn PrenticeJohn Prentice
1935-Star of Midnight英语Star of MidnightClay 'Dal' Dalzell
1935-Reckless英语Reckless (1935 film)Ned Riley
1935-Escapade英语Escapade (1935 film)Fritz
1935-Rendezvous英语Rendezvous (1935 film)Bill Gordon
1936歌舞大王昔飛路The Great Ziegfeld小弗洛里茨·齊格費爾德英语Florenz Ziegfeld Jr.
1936-The Ex-Mrs. Bradford英语The Ex-Mrs. BradfordDr. Lawrence Bradford
1936-My Man Godfrey英语My Man GodfreyGodfrey
1936-Libeled Lady英语Libeled LadyBill Chandler
1936-After the Thin Man英语After the Thin ManNick Charles
1937-The Last of Mrs. Cheyney英语The Last of Mrs. Cheyney (1937 film)Charles
1937-The Emperor's Candlesticks英语The Emperor's Candlesticks (film)Baron Stephan Wolensky
1937-Double Wedding英语Double WeddingCharles Lodge
1938-The Baroness and the Butler英语The Baroness and the ButlerJohann Porok
1939-Another Thin Man英语Another Thin ManNick Charles
1940-I Love You Again英语I Love You AgainLarry Wilson,又名George Carey
1941-Love Crazy英语Love Crazy (1941 film)Steve Ireland
1941-Shadow of the Thin Man英语Shadow of the Thin ManNick Charles
1942-Crossroads英语Crossroads (1942 film)David Talbot,又名Jean Pelletier
1943-The Youngest Profession英语The Youngest Profession他自己
1944-The Heavenly Body英语The Heavenly BodyWilliam S. Whitley
1945-Ziegfeld Follies英语Ziegfeld Follies (film)小弗洛里茨·齊格費爾德
1945-The Thin Man Goes Home英语The Thin Man Goes HomeNick Charles
1946-The Hoodlum Saint英语The Hoodlum SaintTerence Ellerton 'Terry' O'Neill
1946-The Great Morgan英语The Great Morgan電影角色
1947-Life with Father英语Life with Father (film)Clarence Day
1947-Song of the Thin Man英语Song of the Thin ManNick Charles
1947-The Senator Was Indiscreet英语The Senator Was IndiscreetSenator Melvin G. Ashton
1948-Mr. Peabody and the Mermaid英语Mr. Peabody and the MermaidMr. Arthur Peabody
1949-Take One False Step英语Take One False StepProfessor Andrew Gentling
1949-Dancing in the Dark英语Dancing in the Dark (1949 film)Emery Slade
1951-It's a Big Country英语It's a Big CountryProfessor
1952-The Treasure of Lost Canyon英语The Treasure of Lost CanyonHomer 'Doc' Brown
1953-The Girl Who Had Everything英语The Girl Who Had EverythingSteve Latimer
1953愿嫁金龟婿How to Marry a Millionaire英语How to Marry a MillionaireJ.D. Hanley
1955罗伯茨先生Mister Roberts英语Mister Roberts (1955 film)Doc(最後一部演出的電影)


  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 bio bits. [2013-07-12]. (原始内容存档于2020-10-01). 
  2. ^ William Powell. [2013-07-12]. (原始内容存档于2012-10-26). 
