
噪音搖滾(Noise rock)(也有做Noise punk,譯作噪音龐克[1]) ,被認為是後龐克的一個風格,並成為1980年代的音樂先鋒[1][2]。噪音搖滾使用傳統樂器與搖滾樂的方式詮釋,但同時加入無調音樂,尤其是不和諧音,屏棄了一般的寫歌寫歌習慣[2][3]

Einstürzende Neubauten
Sonic Youth
Melt Banana
Lightning Bolt
Moonlander & Moodswinger, Yuri Landman



  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 Ben Sisario, "The Art of Noise", Spin, December 2, 2004. [1]页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) Access date: August 24, 2008. In this article, Ben Sisario calls Lightning Bolt key players in noise rock. Formed in 1994 at RISD, Lightning Bolt released three albums for Providence. Another bands mentioned include the trio Wolf Eyes & and Arab on Radar. According to Sisario, the genre origins lie in the industrial of English group Throbbing Gristle and the noise of Japanese acts Merzbow and The Boredoms. Historically -says Sisario- noise rock had been narrow in sound, with Swans & Live Skull being stiff and humorless; more modern bands such The Locust, Lightning Bolt, and Pink and Brown ham it up by wearing absurd masks and costumes.
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 Allmusic Genre: Noise rock. [2] Access date: August 25, 2008. According to Allmusic, noise rock grew out of punk rock and was later brought to a wider alternative audience when pioneers Sonic Youth began to incorporate melody into their droning sound. Some bands like the Swans and Big Black, however, took a much darker, more threatening approach, while other bands as Royal Trux, Pussy Galore and Butthole Surfers used guitar noise to create a dirty, decadent and repulsive atmosphere.
  3. ^ Georg Cracked, Noise Rock FAQ, April 2002- January 2008. 存档副本. [2011-02-01]. (原始内容存档于2010-12-08).  Access date: August 25, 2008.
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