

右翼独裁(英語:Right-wing dictatorshiprightist dictatorship),又称右翼威权主义right-wing authoritarianism),是一种遵循右翼政策的独裁政权,有时甚至是极权主义政权。右翼独裁政权的典型特征是诉诸传统主义、保护法律和秩序以及鼓吹民族主义,并根据维护保守现状(通常反对共产主义)的需要为其上台辩护。右翼独裁的例子包括葡萄牙新国家、西班牙弗朗西斯科·佛朗哥独裁和一些在冷战期间统治拉丁美洲国家的军事独裁(如奥古斯托·皮诺切特领导下的智利军政府)。[1]





强大的政教联盟政策通常被称为教权法西斯主义英语Clerical fascism。支持天主教的独裁政权包括葡萄牙新国家政权(1933-1974)和奥地利联邦国(1934-1938)。穆斯林世界也存在教权独裁,包括伊朗伊斯兰共和国阿富汗伊斯兰酋长国沙特阿拉伯梵蒂冈城神权绝对君主制也与上述政权有许多相似之处。其中许多是由精神领袖领导的,例如約瑟夫·蒂索牧师领导下的斯洛伐克共和国或伊朗霍梅尼(1979–1989)和哈梅内伊(1989–现在)。 一些右翼独裁政权,如纳粹德国,公开敌视某些宗教。[2]




  1. ^ Bailey, Diane. Colton, Timothy J. , 编. Dictatorship. Major Forms of World Government. Broomall, Pennsylvania: Mason Crest. 2 September 2014: 22. ISBN 978-1-4222-9455-0. OCLC 1088312521. 
  2. ^ Gottfried, Ted. Heroes of the Holocaust . Twenty-First Century Books. 2001: 24–25 [14 January 2017]. ISBN 9780761317173. Some groups that are known to have helped Jews were religious in nature. One of these was the Confessing Church, a Protestant denomination formed in May 1934, the year after Hitler became chancellor of Germany. One of its goals was to repeal the Nazi law "which required that the civil service would be purged of all those who were either Jewish or of partly Jewish descent." Another was to help those "who suffered through repressive laws, or violence." About 7,000 of the 17,000 Protestant clergy in Germany joined the Confessing Church. Much of their work has one unrecognized, but two who will never forget them are Max Krakauer and his wife. Sheltered in sixty-six houses and helped by more than eighty individuals who belonged to the Confessing Church, they owe them their lives. German Catholic churches went out of their way to protect Catholics of Jewish ancestry. More inclusive was the principled stand taken by Catholic Bishop Clemens Count von Galen of Munster. He publicly denounced the Nazi slaughter of Jews and actually succeeded in having the problem halted for a short time. ... Members of the Society of Friends--German Quakers working with organizations of Friends from other countries--were particularly successful in rescuing Jews. ... Jehovah's Witnesses, themselves targeted for concentration camps, also provided help to Jews. 
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