User:Emijrp/List of Wikipedians by number of edits (bots included)
For a list excluding bots, see User:Emijrp/List of Wikipedians by number of edits.
For a global list, see meta:User:Emijrp/List of Wikimedians by number of edits.
Users who don't wish to be on this list can add themselves to this anonymizing list for future versions.
Users who have not edited for at least 30 days are in gray.
This page was last updated in 2012-06-20.
# | User | Edits |
1 | Xqbot (Bot) | 738 |
2 | EmausBot (Bot) | 407 |
3 | TXiKiBoT (Bot) | 397 |
4 | Luckas-bot (Bot) | 395 |
5 | VolkovBot (Bot) | 366 |
6 | SieBot (Bot) | 320 |
7 | ArthurBot (Bot) | 302 |
8 | Pathoschild | 239 |
9 | WikitanvirBot (Bot) | 215 |
10 | ZéroBot (Bot) | 207 |
11 | FoxBot (Bot) | 185 |
12 | ChuispastonBot (Bot) | 169 |
13 | Johnson40213 | 162 |
14 | MerlIwBot (Bot) | 157 |
15 | JAnDbot (Bot) | 152 |
16 | BOTijo (Bot) | 137 |
17 | Escarbot (Bot) | 123 |
18 | MelancholieBot (Bot) | 120 |
19 | Natsubee | 119 |
20 | Paa.kwesi (Admin) | 116 |
21 | CarsracBot (Bot) | 104 |
22 | Julia L. | 101 |
23 | Jorunn | 86 |
24 | Mjbmrbot (Bot) | 86 |
25 | WikimediaNotifier (Bot) | 83 |
26 | AvicBot (Bot) | 81 |
27 | Alexbot (Bot) | 80 |
28 | Ptbotgourou (Bot) | 70 |
29 | MastiBot (Bot) | 70 |
30 | GedawyBot (Bot) | 66 |
31 | Md. Farhan | 60 |
32 | Idioma-bot (Bot) | 60 |
33 | HerculeBot (Bot) | 60 |
34 | HRoestBot (Bot) | 57 |
35 | KamikazeBot (Bot) | 57 |
36 | Purbo T (Bot) | 55 |
37 | SilvonenBot (Bot) | 52 |
38 | JhsBot (Bot) | 51 |
39 | Synthebot (Bot) | 49 |
40 | AlleborgoBot (Bot) | 48 |
41 | Lousyi | 47 |
42 | Jotterbot (Bot) | 45 |
43 | Gideon | 44 |
44 | SassoBot (Bot) | 43 |
45 | RedBot (Bot) | 43 |
46 | TjBot (Bot) | 39 |
47 | Jose77 | 39 |
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